new Html5(optionsopt, readyopt)#
Create an instance of this Tech.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
options | Object | <optional> | The key/value store of player options. |
ready | function | <optional> | Callback function to call when the |
- Mixes In
- Tech~SourceHandlerAdditions
- Source
featuresFullscreenResize :boolean#
Boolean indicating whether the HTML5
tech currently supports automatic media resize when going into fullscreen.
- boolean
- Overrides
- Default Value
- true
- Source
featuresMuteControl :boolean#
Boolean indicating whether the Tech
supports muting volume.
- boolean
- Overrides
- Default Value
- true
- Source
featuresNativeTextTracks :boolean#
Boolean indicating whether the Tech
supports the native TextTrack
s. This will help us integrate with native TextTrack
s if the browser supports them.
- boolean
- Overrides
- Source
featuresPlaybackRate :boolean#
Boolean indicating whether the Tech
supports changing the speed at which the video plays. Examples:
- Set player to play 2x (twice) as fast
- Set player to play 0.5x (half) as fast
- boolean
- Overrides
- Source
featuresProgressEvents :boolean#
Boolean indicating whether the HTML5
tech currently supports the progress event. If this is false, manual progress
events will be triggered instead.
- boolean
- Overrides
- Default Value
- true
- Source
featuresSourceset :boolean#
Boolean indicating whether the Tech
supports the sourceset
A tech should set this to true
and then use Tech#triggerSourceset to trigger a Tech#event:sourceset at the earliest time after getting a new source.
- boolean
- Overrides
- Source
Boolean indicating whether the HTML5
tech currently supports the timeupdate event. If this is false, manual timeupdate
events will be triggered instead.
- Overrides
- Default Value
- true
- Source
featuresVideoFrameCallback :boolean#
Whether the HTML5 el supports requestVideoFrameCallback
- boolean
- Overrides
- Source
featuresVolumeControl :boolean#
Boolean indicating whether the Tech
supports volume control.
- boolean
- Overrides
- Default Value
- true
- Source
movingMediaElementInDOM :boolean#
Boolean indicating whether the HTML5
tech currently supports the media element moving in the DOM. iOS breaks if you move the media element, so this is set this to false there. Everywhere else this should be true.
- boolean
- Source
(static) nativeSourceHandler#
Native source handler for Html5, simply passes the source to the media element.
Name | Type | Description |
source | Tech~SourceObject | The source object |
tech | Html5 | The instance of the HTML5 tech. |
- Source
$(selector, contextopt) → {Element|null}#
Find a single DOM element matching a selector
. This can be within the Component
s contentEl()
or another custom context.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
selector | string | A valid CSS selector, which will be passed to | ||
context | Element | | <optional> | this.contentEl() | A DOM element within which to query. Can also be a selector string in which case the first matching element will get used as context. If missing |
- Overrides
- Source
the dom element that was found, or null
- Type:
- Element |
$$(selector, contextopt) → {NodeList}#
Finds all DOM element matching a selector
. This can be within the Component
s contentEl()
or another custom context.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
selector | string | A valid CSS selector, which will be passed to | ||
context | Element | | <optional> | this.contentEl() | A DOM element within which to query. Can also be a selector string in which case the first matching element will get used as context. If missing |
- Overrides
- Source
a list of dom elements that were found
- Type:
- NodeList
addChild(child, optionsopt, indexopt) → {Component}#
Add a child Component
inside the current Component
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
child | string | | The name or instance of a child to add. | ||
options | Object | <optional> | {} | The key/value store of options that will get passed to children of the child. |
index | number | <optional> | this.children_.length | The index to attempt to add a child into. |
- Overrides
- Source
The Component
that gets added as a child. When using a string the Component
will get created by this process.
- Type:
- Component
Add a CSS class name to the Component
s element.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
classesToAdd | string | <repeatable> | One or more CSS class name to add. |
- Overrides
- Source
addRemoteTextTrack(options, manualCleanupopt) → {HTMLTrackElement}#
Creates a remote text track object and returns an html track element.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
options | Object | The object should contain values for kind, language, label, and src (location of the WebVTT file) | ||
manualCleanup | boolean | <optional> | false | if set to true, the TextTrack will not be removed from the TextTrackList and HtmlTrackElementList after a source change |
- Overrides
- Source
An Html Track Element. This can be an emulated HTMLTrackElement or a native one.
- Type:
- HTMLTrackElement
addTextTrack(kind, labelopt, languageopt) → {TextTrack}#
Create and returns a remote TextTrack object.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
kind | string |
| |
label | string | <optional> | Label to identify the text track |
language | string | <optional> | Two letter language abbreviation |
- Overrides
- Source
The TextTrack that gets created.
- Type:
- TextTrack
Emulate TextTracks using vtt.js if necessary
- Overrides
- Source
- Tech#event:vttjsloaded
- Tech#event:vttjserror
any(type, fn)#
This function will add an event listener
that gets triggered only once and is removed from all events. This is like adding an array of event listener
s with EventTarget#on that calls EventTarget#off on all events the first time it is triggered.
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | | An event name or an array of event names. |
fn | function | The function to be called once for each event name. |
- Overrides
- Source
audioTracks() → {AudioTrackList}#
Get the AudioTrackList
- Overrides
- Source
- Type:
- AudioTrackList
autoplay() → {boolean}#
Get the value of autoplay
from the media element. autoplay
indicates that the media should start to play as soon as the page is ready.
- Source
- See
- The value of
from the media element. - True indicates that the media should start as soon as the page loads. - False indicates that the media should not start as soon as the page loads.
- Type:
- boolean
Remove the focus from this component
- Overrides
- Source
buffered() → {TimeRange}#
Get the value of buffered
from the media element. buffered
is a TimeRange
object that represents the parts of the media that are already downloaded and available for playback.
- Overrides
- Source
- See
The value of buffered
from the media element.
- Type:
- TimeRange
bufferedPercent() → {number}#
Get the percentage of the current video that is currently buffered.
- Overrides
- Source
A number from 0 to 1 that represents the decimal percentage of the video that is buffered.
- Type:
- number
(abstract) buildCSSClass() → {string}#
Builds the default DOM class name. Should be overridden by sub-components.
- Overrides
- Source
The DOM class name for this object.
- Type:
- string
cancelAnimationFrame(id) → {number}#
Cancels a queued callback passed to Component#requestAnimationFrame (rAF).
If you queue an rAF callback via Component#requestAnimationFrame, use this function instead of window.cancelAnimationFrame
. If you don't, your dispose listener will not get cleaned up until Component#dispose!
Name | Type | Description |
id | number | The rAF ID to clear. The return value of Component#requestAnimationFrame. |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
Returns the rAF ID that was cleared.
- Type:
- number
Cancels a current named animation frame if it exists.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the requestAnimationFrame to cancel. |
- Overrides
- Source
Native or fallback requestVideoFrameCallback
Name | Type | Description |
id | number | request id to cancel |
- Overrides
- Source
(abstract) canPlayType(_type) → {string}#
Check if the tech can support the given mime-type.
The base tech does not support any type, but source handlers might overwrite this.
Name | Type | Description |
_type | string | The mimetype to check for support |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
'probably', 'maybe', or empty string
- Type:
- string
children() → {Array}#
Get an array of all child components
- Overrides
- Source
The children
- Type:
- Array
Remove any TextTracks added via addRemoteTextTrack that are flagged for automatic garbage collection
- Overrides
- Source
clearInterval(intervalId) → {number}#
Clears an interval that gets created via window.setInterval
or Component#setInterval. If you set an interval via Component#setInterval use this function instead of window.clearInterval
. If you don't your dispose listener will not get cleaned up until Component#dispose!
Name | Type | Description |
intervalId | number | The id of the interval to clear. The return value of Component#setInterval or |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
Returns the interval id that was cleared.
- Type:
- number
clearTimeout(timeoutId) → {number}#
Clears a timeout that gets created via window.setTimeout
or Component#setTimeout. If you set a timeout via Component#setTimeout use this function instead of window.clearTimout
. If you don't your dispose listener will not get cleaned up until Component#dispose!
Name | Type | Description |
timeoutId | number | The id of the timeout to clear. The return value of Component#setTimeout or |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
Returns the timeout id that was cleared.
- Type:
- number
Clear out a single TrackList
or an array of TrackLists
given their names.
Note: Techs without source handlers should call this between sources for
tracks. You don't want to use them between tracks!
Name | Type | Description |
types | Array.<string> | | TrackList names to clear, valid names are |
- Overrides
- Source
contentEl() → {Element}#
Return the Component
s DOM element. This is where children get inserted. This will usually be the the same as the element returned in Component#el.
- Overrides
- Source
The content element for this Component
- Type:
- Element
controls() → {boolean}#
Get the value of controls
from the media element. controls
indicates whether the native media controls should be shown or hidden.
- Source
- See
- The value of
from the media element. - True indicates that native controls should be showing. - False indicates that native controls should be hidden.
- Type:
- boolean
createEl() → {Element}#
Create the Html5
Tech's DOM element.
- Overrides
- Source
The element that gets created.
- Type:
- Element
createRemoteTextTrack(options) → {HTMLTrackElement}#
Creates either native TextTrack or an emulated TextTrack depending on the value of featuresNativeTextTracks
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
options | Object | The object should contain the options to initialize the TextTrack with. Properties
- Overrides
- Source
The track element that gets created.
- Type:
- HTMLTrackElement
crossOrigin() → {string}#
Get the value of crossOrigin
from the media element. crossOrigin
indicates to the browser that should sent the cookies along with the requests for the different assets/playlists
- Overrides
- Source
- See
- anonymous indicates that the media should not sent cookies. - use-credentials indicates that the media should sent cookies along the requests.
- Type:
- string
currentDimension(widthOrHeight) → {number}#
Get the computed width or the height of the component's element.
Uses window.getComputedStyle
Name | Type | Description |
widthOrHeight | string | A string containing 'width' or 'height'. Whichever one you want to get. |
- Overrides
- Source
The dimension that gets asked for or 0 if nothing was set for that dimension.
- Type:
- number
currentDimensions() → {Component~DimensionObject}#
Get an object that contains computed width and height values of the component's element.
Uses window.getComputedStyle
- Overrides
- Source
The computed dimensions of the component's element.
currentHeight() → {number}#
Get the computed height of the component's element.
Uses window.getComputedStyle
- Overrides
- Source
The computed height of the component's element.
- Type:
- number
currentSrc() → {Tech~SourceObject}#
Get the current source on the HTML5
Tech. Falls back to returning the source from the HTML5 media element.
- Source
The current source object from the HTML5 tech. With a fallback to the elements source.
- Type:
- Tech~SourceObject
currentTime() → {number}#
Get the value of currentTime
from the media element. currentTime
indicates the current second that the media is at in playback.
- Source
- See
The value of currentTime
from the media element.
- Type:
- number
currentWidth() → {number}#
Get the computed width of the component's element.
Uses window.getComputedStyle
- Overrides
- Source
The computed width of the component's element.
- Type:
- number
defaultMuted() → {boolean}#
Get the value of defaultMuted
from the media element. defaultMuted
indicates whether the media should start muted or not. Only changes the default state of the media. muted
and defaultMuted
can have different values. Html5#muted indicates the current state.
- Source
- See
- The value of
from the media element. - True indicates that the media should start muted. - False indicates that the media should not start muted
- Type:
- boolean
defaultPlaybackRate() → {number}#
Get the value of defaultPlaybackRate
from the media element. defaultPlaybackRate
indicates the rate at which the media is currently playing back. This value will not indicate the current playbackRate
after playback has started, use Html5#playbackRate for that.
- if defaultPlaybackRate is set to 2, media will play twice as fast.
- if defaultPlaybackRate is set to 0.5, media will play half as fast.
- Source
- See
The value of defaultPlaybackRate
from the media element. A number indicating the current playback speed of the media, where 1 is normal speed.
- Type:
- number
dimension(widthOrHeight, numopt, skipListenersopt) → {number|undefined}#
Get or set width or height of the Component
element. This is the shared code for the Component#width and Component#height.
Things to know:
- If the width or height in an number this will return the number postfixed with 'px'.
- If the width/height is a percent this will return the percent postfixed with '%'
- Hidden elements have a width of 0 with
. This function defaults to theComponent
and falls back towindow.getComputedStyle
. See this for more information - If you want the computed style of the component, use Component#currentWidth and {Component#currentHeight
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
widthOrHeight | string | 8 'width' or 'height' | |
num | number | | <optional> | 8 New dimension |
skipListeners | boolean | <optional> | Skip componentresize event trigger |
- Overrides
- Source
The dimension when getting or 0 if unset
- Type:
- number |
dimensions(width, height)#
Set both the width and height of the Component
element at the same time.
Name | Type | Description |
width | number | | Width to set the |
height | number | | Height to set the |
- Overrides
- Source
disablePictureInPicture() → {boolean}#
Get the value of 'disablePictureInPicture' from the video element.
- Overrides
- Source
- See
value - The value of disablePictureInPicture
from the video element. - True indicates that the video can't be played in Picture-In-Picture mode - False indicates that the video can be played in Picture-In-Picture mode
- Type:
- boolean
Dispose of HTML5
media element and remove all tracks.
- Overrides
- Source
duration() → {number}#
Get the current duration of the HTML5 media element.
- Source
The duration of the media or 0 if there is no duration.
- Type:
- number
el() → {Element}#
Get the Component
s DOM element
- Overrides
- Source
The DOM element for this Component
- Type:
- Element
(protected) emitTapEvents()#
Emit a 'tap' events when touch event support gets detected. This gets used to support toggling the controls through a tap on the video. They get enabled because every sub-component would have extra overhead otherwise.
- Overrides
- Source
- Component#event:touchstart
- Component#event:touchmove
- Component#event:touchleave
- Component#event:touchcancel
- Component#event:touchend
Emulate texttracks
- Overrides
- Source
This function reports user activity whenever touch events happen. This can get turned off by any sub-components that wants touch events to act another way.
Report user touch activity when touch events occur. User activity gets used to determine when controls should show/hide. It is simple when it comes to mouse events, because any mouse event should show the controls. So we capture mouse events that bubble up to the player and report activity when that happens. With touch events it isn't as easy as touchstart
and touchend
toggle player controls. So touch events can't help us at the player level either.
User activity gets checked asynchronously. So what could happen is a tap event on the video turns the controls off. Then the touchend
event bubbles up to the player. Which, if it reported user activity, would turn the controls right back on. We also don't want to completely block touch events from bubbling up. Furthermore a touchmove
event and anything other than a tap, should not turn controls back on.
- Overrides
- Source
- Component#event:touchstart
- Component#event:touchmove
- Component#event:touchend
- Component#event:touchcancel
ended() → {boolean}#
Get the value of ended
from the media element. ended
indicates whether the media has reached the end or not.
- Source
- See
- The value of
from the media element. - True indicates that the media has ended. - False indicates that the media has not ended.
- Type:
- boolean
Request that the HTML5
Tech enter fullscreen.
- Source
error() → {MediaError|null}#
Get the value of the error
from the media element. error
indicates any MediaError that may have occurred during playback. If error returns null there is no current error.
- Overrides
- Source
- See
The value of error
from the media element. Will be MediaError
if there is a current error and null otherwise.
- Type:
- MediaError |
Request that the HTML5
Tech exit fullscreen.
- Source
Set the focus to this component
- Overrides
- Source
getAttribute(attribute) → {string|null}#
Get the value of an attribute on the Component
s element.
Name | Type | Description |
attribute | string | Name of the attribute to get the value from. |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
- The value of the attribute that was asked for. - Can be an empty string on some browsers if the attribute does not exist or has no value - Most browsers will return null if the attribute does not exist or has no value.
- Type:
- string |
getChild(name) → {Component|undefined}#
Returns the child Component
with the given name
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the child |
- Overrides
- Source
The child Component
with the given name
or undefined.
- Type:
- Component |
getChildById(id) → {Component|undefined}#
Returns the child Component
with the given id
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | The id of the child |
- Overrides
- Source
The child Component
with the given id
or undefined.
- Type:
- Component |
getDescendant(…names) → {Component|undefined}#
Returns the descendant Component
following the givent descendant names
. For instance ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] would try to get 'foo' on the current component, 'bar' on the 'foo' component and 'baz' on the 'bar' component and return undefined if any of those don't exist.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
names | ...Array.<string> | | <repeatable> | The name of the child |
- Overrides
- Source
The descendant Component
following the given descendant names
or undefined.
- Type:
- Component |
getVideoPlaybackQuality() → {Object}#
Gets available media playback quality metrics as specified by the W3C's Media Playback Quality API.
- Overrides
- Source
- See
An object with supported media playback quality metrics
- Type:
- Object
When this Component receives a keydown
event which it does not process, it passes the event to the Player for handling.
Name | Type | Description |
event | KeyboardEvent | The |
- Overrides
- Source
Many components used to have a handleKeyPress
method, which was poorly named because it listened to a keydown
event. This method name now delegates to handleKeyDown
. This means anyone calling handleKeyPress
will not see their method calls stop working.
Name | Type | Description |
event | KeyboardEvent | The event that caused this function to be called. |
- Overrides
- Source
(abstract) handleLanguagechange()#
Handles language change for the player in components. Should be overridden by sub-components.
- Overrides
- Source
handleLateInit_() → {undefined}#
This will be triggered if the loadstart event has already fired, before videojs was ready. Two known examples of when this can happen are:
- If we're loading the playback object after it has started loading
- The media is already playing the (often with autoplay on) then
This function will fire another loadstart so that videojs can catchup.
- Source
- Tech#event:loadstart
returns nothing.
- Type:
- undefined
hasClass(classToCheck) → {boolean}#
Check if a component's element has a CSS class name.
Name | Type | Description |
classToCheck | string | CSS class name to check. |
- Overrides
- Source
- True if the
has the class. - False if theComponent
does not have the class`
- Type:
- boolean
height() → {number}#
Get the current height of the HTML5 media element.
- Overrides
- Source
The height of the HTML5 media element.
- Type:
- number
Hide the Component
s element if it is currently showing by adding the 'vjs-hidden` class name to it.
- Overrides
- Source
id() → {string}#
Get this Component
s ID
- Overrides
- Source
The id of this Component
- Type:
- string
Add and initialize default child Component
s based upon options.
- Overrides
- Source
Turn on listeners for VideoTrackList, {AudioTrackList, and TextTrackList events.
This adds EventTarget~EventListeners for addtrack
, and removetrack
- Overrides
- Source
isDisposed() → {boolean}#
Determine whether or not this component has been disposed.
- Overrides
- Source
If the component has been disposed, will be true
. Otherwise, false
- Type:
- boolean
A wrapper around the media elements load
function. This will call the HTML5
s media element load
- Source
- See
localize(string, tokensopt, defaultValueopt) → {string}#
Localize a string given the string in english.
If tokens are provided, it'll try and run a simple token replacement on the provided string. The tokens it looks for look like {1}
with the index being 1-indexed into the tokens array.
If a defaultValue
is provided, it'll use that over string
, if a value isn't found in provided language files. This is useful if you want to have a descriptive key for token replacement but have a succinct localized string and not require en.json
to be included.
Currently, it is used for the progress bar timing.
{ "progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} of {2}" }
It is then used like so:
this.localize('progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration{2}', [this.player_.currentTime(), this.player_.duration()], '{1} of {2}');
Which outputs something like: 01:23 of 24:56
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
string | string | The string to localize and the key to lookup in the language files. | |
tokens | Array.<string> | <optional> | If the current item has token replacements, provide the tokens here. |
defaultValue | string | <optional> | Defaults to |
- Overrides
- Source
The localized string or if no localization exists the english string.
- Type:
- string
loop() → {boolean}#
Get the value of loop
from the media element. loop
indicates that the media should return to the start of the media and continue playing once it reaches the end.
- Source
- See
- The value of
from the media element. - True indicates that playback should seek back to start once the end of a media is reached. - False indicates that playback should not loop back to the start when the end of the media is reached.
- Type:
- boolean
Turn off the polyfill for progress
events that was created in Tech#manualProgressOn
- Overrides
- Source
Polyfill the progress
event for browsers that don't support it natively.
- Overrides
- Source
Turn off the polyfill for timeupdate
events that was created in Tech#manualTimeUpdatesOn
- Overrides
- Source
Polyfill the timeupdate
event for browsers that don't support it.
- Overrides
- Source
muted() → {boolean}#
Get the value of muted
from the media element. muted
indicates that the volume for the media should be set to silent. This does not actually change the volume
- Source
- See
- True if the value of
should be ignored and the audio set to silent. - False if the value ofvolume
should be used.
- Type:
- boolean
name() → {string}#
Get the Component
s name. The name gets used to reference the Component
and is set during registration.
- Overrides
- Source
The name of this Component
- Type:
- string
networkState() → {number}#
Get the value of networkState
from the media element. networkState
indicates the current network state. It returns an enumeration from the following list:
- Source
The value of networkState
from the media element. This will be a number from the list in the description.
- Type:
- number
off(type, fnopt)#
Removes an event listener
for a specific event from an instance of EventTarget
. This makes it so that the event listener
will no longer get called when the named event happens.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
type | string | | An event name or an array of event names. | |
fn | function | <optional> | The function to remove. If not specified, all listeners managed by Video.js will be removed. |
- Overrides
- Source
on(type, fn)#
Adds an event listener
to an instance of an EventTarget
. An event listener
is a function that will get called when an event with a certain name gets triggered.
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | | An event name or an array of event names. |
fn | function | The function to call with |
- Overrides
- Source
Update our internal duration on a durationchange
event by calling Tech#duration.
Name | Type | Description |
event | Event | The |
- Overrides
- Source
- Tech#event:durationchange
one(type, fn)#
This function will add an event listener
that gets triggered only once. After the first trigger it will get removed. This is like adding an event listener
with EventTarget#on that calls EventTarget#off on itself.
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | | An event name or an array of event names. |
fn | function | The function to be called once for each event name. |
- Overrides
- Source
options(obj) → {Object}#
Deep merge of options objects with new options.
Note: When both
contain properties whose values are objects. The two properties get merged using module:obj.merge
Name | Type | Description |
obj | Object | The object that contains new options. |
- Overrides
- Source
A new object of this.options_
and obj
merged together.
- Type:
- Object
Attempt to force override of native audio tracks.
Name | Type | Description |
override | boolean | If set to true native audio will be overridden, otherwise native audio will potentially be used. |
- Overrides
- Source
Attempt to force override of native video tracks.
Name | Type | Description |
override | boolean | If set to true native video will be overridden, otherwise native video will potentially be used. |
- Overrides
- Source
A wrapper around the media elements pause
function. This will call the HTML5
media elements pause
- Source
- See
paused() → {boolean}#
Get the value of paused
from the media element. paused
indicates whether the media element is currently paused or not.
- Source
- See
The value of paused
from the media element.
- Type:
- boolean
A wrapper around the media elements play
function. This will call the HTML5
s media element play
- Overrides
- Source
- See
playbackRate() → {number}#
Get the value of playbackRate
from the media element. playbackRate
indicates the rate at which the media is currently playing back. Examples:
- if playbackRate is set to 2, media will play twice as fast.
- if playbackRate is set to 0.5, media will play half as fast.
- Source
- See
The value of playbackRate
from the media element. A number indicating the current playback speed of the media, where 1 is normal speed.
- Type:
- number
played() → {TimeRange}#
Get the value of played
from the media element. played
returns a TimeRange
object representing points in the media timeline that have been played.
- Overrides
- Source
- See
The value of played
from the media element. A TimeRange
object indicating the ranges of time that have been played.
- Type:
- TimeRange
player() → {default}#
Return the Player that the Component
has attached to.
- Overrides
- Source
The player that this Component
has attached to.
- Type:
- default
playsinline() → {boolean}#
Get the value of playsinline
from the media element. playsinline
indicates to the browser that non-fullscreen playback is preferred when fullscreen playback is the native default, such as in iOS Safari.
- Overrides
- Source
- See
- The value of
from the media element. - True indicates that the media should play inline. - False indicates that the media should not play inline.
- Type:
- boolean
poster() → {string}#
Get the value of poster
from the media element. poster
indicates that the url of an image file that can/will be shown when no media data is available.
- Source
- See
The value of poster
from the media element. Value will be a url to an image.
- Type:
- string
preload() → {string}#
Get the value of preload
from the media element. preload
indicates what should download before the media is interacted with. It can have the following values:
- none: nothing should be downloaded
- metadata: poster and the first few frames of the media may be downloaded to get media dimensions and other metadata
- auto: allow the media and metadata for the media to be downloaded before interaction
- Source
- See
The value of preload
from the media element. Will be 'none', 'metadata', or 'auto'.
- Type:
- string
ready(fn) → {Component}#
Bind a listener to the component's ready state. Different from event listeners in that if the ready event has already happened it will trigger the function immediately.
Name | Type | Description |
fn | ReadyCallback | Function that gets called when the |
- Overrides
- Source
Returns itself; method can be chained.
- Type:
- Component
readyState() → {number}#
Get the value of readyState
from the media element. readyState
indicates the current state of the media element. It returns an enumeration from the following list:
- Source
The value of readyState
from the media element. This will be a number from the list in the description.
- Type:
- number
remoteTextTrackEls() → {HtmlTrackElementList}#
Get the remote element HtmlTrackElementList
- Overrides
- Source
- Type:
- HtmlTrackElementList
remoteTextTracks() → {TextTrackList}#
Get the remote element TextTrackList
- Overrides
- Source
- Type:
- TextTrackList
Remove an attribute from the Component
s element.
Name | Type | Description |
attribute | string | Name of the attribute to remove. |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
Remove a child Component
from this Component
s list of children. Also removes the child Component
s element from this Component
s element.
Name | Type | Description |
component | Component | The child |
- Overrides
- Source
Remove a CSS class name from the Component
s element.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
classesToRemove | string | <repeatable> | One or more CSS class name to remove. |
- Overrides
- Source
Remove remote TextTrack
from TextTrackList
Name | Type | Description |
track | TextTrack |
- Overrides
- Source
requestAnimationFrame(fn) → {number}#
Queues up a callback to be passed to requestAnimationFrame (rAF), but with a few extra bonuses:
Supports browsers that do not support rAF by falling back to Component#setTimeout.
The callback is turned into a Component~GenericCallback (i.e. bound to the component).
Automatic cancellation of the rAF callback is handled if the component is disposed before it is called.
Name | Type | Description |
fn | Component~GenericCallback | A function that will be bound to this component and executed just before the browser's next repaint. |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
Returns an rAF ID that gets used to identify the timeout. It can also be used in Component#cancelAnimationFrame to cancel the animation frame callback.
- Type:
- number
requestNamedAnimationFrame(name, fn)#
Request an animation frame, but only one named animation frame will be queued. Another will never be added until the previous one finishes.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name to give this requestAnimationFrame |
fn | Component~GenericCallback | A function that will be bound to this component and executed just before the browser's next repaint. |
- Overrides
- Source
requestPictureInPicture() → {Promise}#
Create a floating video window always on top of other windows so that users may continue consuming media while they interact with other content sites, or applications on their device.
- Overrides
- Source
- See
A promise with a Picture-in-Picture window.
- Type:
- Promise
requestVideoFrameCallback(cb) → {number}#
Native requestVideoFrameCallback if supported by browser/tech, or fallback Don't use rVCF on Safari when DRM is playing, as it doesn't fire Needs to be checked later than the constructor This will be a false positive for clear sources loaded after a Fairplay source
Name | Type | Description |
cb | function | function to call |
- Overrides
- Source
id of request
- Type:
- number
Reset the tech by removing all sources and then calling Html5.resetMediaElement.
- Overrides
- Source
scrubbing() → {boolean}#
Get whether we are scrubbing or not.
- Overrides
- Source
isScrubbing - true for we are currently scrubbing - false for we are no longer scrubbing
- Type:
- boolean
seekable() → {TimeRange}#
Get the value of seekable
from the media element. seekable
returns a TimeRange
object indicating ranges of time that can currently be seeked
- Source
- See
The value of seekable
from the media element. A TimeRange
object indicating the current ranges of time that can be seeked to.
- Type:
- TimeRange
seeking() → {boolean}#
Get the value of seeking
from the media element. seeking
indicates whether the media is currently seeking to a new position or not.
- Source
- See
- The value of
from the media element. - True indicates that the media is currently seeking to a new position. - False indicates that the media is not seeking to a new position at this time.
- Type:
- boolean
setAttribute(attribute, value)#
Set the value of an attribute on the Component
's element
Name | Type | Description |
attribute | string | Name of the attribute to set. |
value | string | Value to set the attribute to. |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
Set the value of autoplay
on the media element. autoplay
indicates that the media should start to play as soon as the page is ready.
Name | Type | Description |
autoplay | boolean |
- Source
- See
Set controls attribute for the HTML5 media Element.
Name | Type | Description |
val | string | Value to set the controls attribute to |
- Source
Set the value of crossOrigin
from the media element. crossOrigin
indicates to the browser that should sent the cookies along with the requests for the different assets/playlists
Name | Type | Description |
crossOrigin | string |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
Set current time for the HTML5
Name | Type | Description |
seconds | number | Set the current time of the media to this. |
- Overrides
- Source
Set the value of defaultMuted
on the media element. defaultMuted
indicates that the current audio level should be silent, but will only effect the muted level on initial playback..
Name | Type | Description |
defaultMuted | boolean |
- Source
- See
setDefaultPlaybackRate() → {number}#
Set the value of defaultPlaybackRate
on the media element. defaultPlaybackRate
indicates the rate at which the media should play back upon initial startup. Changing this value after a video has started will do nothing. Instead you should used Html5#setPlaybackRate.
Example Values:
- if playbackRate is set to 2, media will play twice as fast.
- if playbackRate is set to 0.5, media will play half as fast.
- Source
- See
The value of defaultPlaybackRate
from the media element. A number indicating the current playback speed of the media, where 1 is normal speed.
- Type:
- number
Prevents the browser from suggesting a Picture-in-Picture context menu or to request Picture-in-Picture automatically in some cases.
Name | Type | Description |
value | boolean | The true value will disable Picture-in-Picture mode. |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
setIcon(iconName, elopt) → {Element}#
Adds an SVG icon element to another element or component.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
iconName | string | The name of icon. A list of all the icon names can be found at 'sandbox/svg-icons.html' | ||
el | Element | <optional> | this.el() | Element to set the title on. Defaults to the current Component's element. |
- Overrides
- Source
The newly created icon element.
- Type:
- Element
setInterval(fn, interval) → {number}#
Creates a function that gets run every x
milliseconds. This function is a wrapper around window.setInterval
. There are a few reasons to use this one instead though.
- It gets cleared via Component#clearInterval when Component#dispose gets called.
- The function callback will be a Component~GenericCallback
Name | Type | Description |
fn | Component~GenericCallback | The function to run every |
interval | number | Execute the specified function every |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
Returns an id that can be used to identify the interval. It can also be be used in Component#clearInterval to clear the interval.
- Type:
- number
Set the value of loop
on the media element. loop
indicates that the media should return to the start of the media and continue playing once it reaches the end.
Name | Type | Description |
loop | boolean |
- Source
- See
Set the value of muted
on the media element. muted
indicates that the current audio level should be silent.
Name | Type | Description |
muted | boolean |
- Source
- See
setPlaybackRate() → {number}#
Set the value of playbackRate
on the media element. playbackRate
indicates the rate at which the media should play back. Examples:
- if playbackRate is set to 2, media will play twice as fast.
- if playbackRate is set to 0.5, media will play half as fast.
- Source
- See
The value of playbackRate
from the media element. A number indicating the current playback speed of the media, where 1 is normal speed.
- Type:
- number
Set the value of playsinline
from the media element. playsinline
indicates to the browser that non-fullscreen playback is preferred when fullscreen playback is the native default, such as in iOS Safari.
Name | Type | Description |
playsinline | boolean |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
Set the value of poster
on the media element. poster
is the url to an image file that can/will be shown when no media data is available.
Name | Type | Description |
poster | string | The url to an image that should be used as the |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
Set the value of preload
on the media element. preload
indicates what should download before the media is interacted with. It can have the following values:
- none: nothing should be downloaded
- metadata: poster and the first few frames of the media may be downloaded to get media dimensions and other metadata
- auto: allow the media and metadata for the media to be downloaded before interaction
Name | Type | Description |
preload | string | The value of |
- Source
- See
Set whether we are scrubbing or not. This is used to decide whether we should use fastSeek
or not. fastSeek
is used to provide trick play on Safari browsers.
Name | Type | Description |
isScrubbing | boolean |
- Overrides
- Source
Set the value of src
on the media element. src
indicates the current Tech~SourceObject for the media.
Name | Type | Description |
src | Tech~SourceObject | The source object to set as the current source. |
- Source
- See
setTimeout(fn, timeout) → {number}#
Creates a function that runs after an x
millisecond timeout. This function is a wrapper around window.setTimeout
. There are a few reasons to use this one instead though:
- It gets cleared via Component#clearTimeout when Component#dispose gets called.
- The function callback will gets turned into a Component~GenericCallback
Note: You can't use
on the id returned by this function. This will cause its dispose listener not to get cleaned up! Please use Component#clearTimeout or Component#dispose instead.
Name | Type | Description |
fn | Component~GenericCallback | The function that will be run after |
timeout | number | Timeout in milliseconds to delay before executing the specified function. |
- Overrides
- Source
- See
Returns a timeout ID that gets used to identify the timeout. It can also get used in Component#clearTimeout to clear the timeout that was set.
- Type:
- number
Modify the media element so that we can detect when the source is changed. Fires sourceset
just after the source has changed
- Source
Set the value of volume
on the media element. volume
indicates the current audio level as a percentage in decimal form. This means that 1 is 100%, 0.5 is 50%, and so on.
Name | Type | Description |
percentAsDecimal | number | The volume percent as a decimal. Valid range is from 0-1. |
- Source
- See
Show the Component
s element if it is hidden by removing the 'vjs-hidden' class name from it.
- Overrides
- Source
src(srcopt) → {Tech~SourceObject|undefined}#
A getter/setter for the Html5
Tech's source object.
Note: Please use Html5#setSource
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
src | Tech~SourceObject | <optional> | The source object you want to set on the |
- Deprecated
- Since version 5.
- Source
- The current source object when a source is not passed in. - undefined when setting
- Type:
- Tech~SourceObject |
Stop the interval function created in Tech#trackCurrentTime so that the timeupdate
event is no longer triggered.
- Overrides
- Source
- {Tech#event:pause}
Turn off the polyfill for progress
events that was created in Tech#manualProgressOn Stop manually tracking progress events by clearing the interval that was set in Tech#trackProgress.
- Overrides
- Source
supportsFullScreen() → {boolean}#
Check if fullscreen is supported on the video el.
- Source
- True if fullscreen is supported. - False if fullscreen is not supported.
- Type:
- boolean
textTracks() → {TextTrackList}#
Get the TextTrackList
- Overrides
- Source
- Type:
- TextTrackList
toggleClass(classToToggle, predicateopt)#
Add or remove a CSS class name from the component's element.
gets added when Component#hasClass would return false.classToToggle
gets removed when Component#hasClass would return true.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
classToToggle | string | The class to add or remove based on (@link Component#hasClass} | |
predicate | boolean | | <optional> | An Dom~predicate function or a boolean |
- Overrides
- Source
Sets up an interval function to track current time and trigger timeupdate
every 250 milliseconds.
- Overrides
- Source
- Tech#event:play
This is used to trigger a progress
event when the buffered percent changes. It sets an interval function that will be called every 500 milliseconds to check if the buffer end percent has changed.
This function is called by Tech#manualProgressOn
Name | Type | Description |
event | Event | The |
- Overrides
- Source
trigger(event, hashopt)#
This function causes an event to happen. This will then cause any event listeners
that are waiting for that event, to get called. If there are no event listeners
for an event then nothing will happen.
If the name of the Event
that is being triggered is in EventTarget.allowedEvents_
. Trigger will also call the on
+ uppercaseEventName
Example: 'click' is in EventTarget.allowedEvents_
, so, trigger will attempt to call onClick
if it exists.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
event | string | | The name of the event, an | |
hash | Object | <optional> | Optionally extra argument to pass through to an event listener |
- Overrides
- Source
Trigger all the ready listeners for this Component
- Overrides
- Source
A special function to trigger source set in a way that will allow player to re-trigger if the player or tech are not ready yet.
Name | Type | Description |
src | string | The source string at the time of the source changing. |
- Overrides
- Source
videoHeight() → {number}#
Get the value of videoHeight
from the video element. videoHeight
indicates the current height of the video in css pixels.
- Source
The value of videoHeight
from the video element. This will be a number in css pixels.
- Type:
- number
videoTracks() → {VideoTrackList}#
Get the VideoTrackList
- Overrides
- Source
- Type:
- VideoTrackList
videoWidth() → {number}#
Get the value of videoWidth
from the video element. videoWidth
indicates the current width of the video in css pixels.
- Source
The value of videoWidth
from the video element. This will be a number in css pixels.
- Type:
- number
volume() → {number}#
Get the value of volume
from the media element. volume
indicates the current playback volume of audio for a media. volume
will be a value from 0 (silent) to 1 (loudest and default).
- Source
- See
The value of volume
from the media element. Value will be between 0-1.
- Type:
- number
width() → {number}#
Get the current width of the HTML5 media element.
- Overrides
- Source
The width of the HTML5 media element.
- Type:
- number
(static) canControlPlaybackRate() → {boolean}#
Check if the playback rate can be changed in this browser/device.
- Source
- True if playback rate can be controlled - False otherwise
- Type:
- boolean
(static) canControlVolume() → {boolean}#
Check if the volume can be changed in this browser/device. Volume cannot be changed in a lot of mobile devices. Specifically, it can't be changed from 1 on iOS.
- Source
- True if volume can be controlled - False otherwise
- Type:
- boolean
(static) canMuteVolume() → {boolean}#
Check if the volume can be muted in this browser/device. Some devices, e.g. iOS, don't allow changing volume but permits muting/unmuting.
- Source
- True if volume can be muted
- False otherwise
- Type:
- boolean
(static) canOverrideAttributes() → {boolean}#
Check if we can override a video/audio elements attributes, with Object.defineProperty.
- Source
- True if builtin attributes can be overridden - False otherwise
- Type:
- boolean
(static) canPlaySource(srcObj, options) → {string}#
Check if the tech can support the given source
Name | Type | Description |
srcObj | Object | The source object |
options | Object | The options passed to the tech |
- Source
'probably', 'maybe', or '' (empty string)
- Type:
- string
(static) canPlayType(type) → {string}#
Check if the tech can support the given type
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | The mimetype to check |
- Source
'probably', 'maybe', or '' (empty string)
- Type:
- string
(static) isSupported() → {boolean}#
Check if HTML5 media is supported by this browser/device.
- Source
- True if HTML5 media is supported. - False if HTML5 media is not supported.
- Type:
- boolean
(static) supportsNativeAudioTracks() → {boolean}#
Check to see if native AudioTrack
s are supported by this browser/device
- Source
- True if native
s are supported. - False otherwise
- Type:
- boolean
(static) supportsNativeTextTracks() → {boolean}#
Check to see if native TextTrack
s are supported by this browser/device.
- Source
- True if native
s are supported. - False otherwise
- Type:
- boolean
(static) supportsNativeVideoTracks() → {boolean}#
Check to see if native VideoTrack
s are supported by this browser/device
- Source
- True if native
s are supported. - False otherwise
- Type:
- boolean
Triggered when tracks are added or removed on the Tech AudioTrackList
- Overrides
- Source
Triggered when a component is resized.
- Overrides
- Source
Triggered when a Component
is disposed.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
bubbles | boolean | <optional> | false | set to false so that the dispose event does not bubble up |
- Overrides
- Source
See Player#progress
- Overrides
- Source
Triggered when a Component
is ready.
- Overrides
- Source
Fired when the source is set on the tech causing the media element to reload.
- Overrides
- Source
Triggered when a Component
is tapped.
- MouseEvent
- Overrides
- Source
Triggered when tracks are added or removed on the Tech TextTrackList
- Overrides
- Source
Trigger timeupdate because we're done seeking and the time has changed. This is particularly useful for if the player is paused to time the time displays.
- Overrides
Triggered when tracks are added or removed on the Tech VideoTrackList
- Overrides
- Source
Fired when vtt.js is loaded.
- Overrides
- Source